Exploring the powerful connection between the mind, the body, and the breath

  • Experience the practice of resonance (coherence) breathing and feel some of its effects on the nervous system.
  • Take part in gentle movement practices to connect with the sensory experience of the body and slow down the breath.
  • Experience effective ways to quiet the mind, improve attention and allow the body to gently rest and restore itself.
  • Appreciate how voluntary control of breathing can affect energy levels, emotions, and sense of connectedness.


When:             Wednesday* evenings 6.30 pm – 8 pm

(*Please check Hall calendar HERE to confirm class dates)


Who:               Everyone welcome, no experience necessary

What:              Wear comfortable clothes and bring a blanket and mat if you have one!

Cost:                £12 drop in (£10 concessions)


‘Health Yourself’ is a breath focused coaching initiative designed and delivered by Melanie Devonald, a Chartered Psychologist, British Wheel of Yoga teacher and Certified BBM Teacher.

For more information contact Melanie on m: 07749821517  e: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Bookings and Enquiries

For more information and to make a booking, please contact Liz using the Contact Us button or menu at the top of the page. For wedding enquiries and bookings, please contact us using the Wedding Enquiry menu item at the top of the page.
The hall is staffed between 9am and 11am on Monday mornings. At other times, please leave a message and we will get back to you.
If you are organizing a fundraising or other public event such as a meeting or class and would like to alert people in the local area, please let us know and we will publicise it free of charge on our website.