Exploring the powerful connection between the mind, the body, and the breath
- Experience the practice of resonance (coherence) breathing and feel some of its effects on the nervous system.
- Take part in gentle movement practices to connect with the sensory experience of the body and slow down the breath.
- Experience effective ways to quiet the mind, improve attention and allow the body to gently rest and restore itself.
- Appreciate how voluntary control of breathing can affect energy levels, emotions, and sense of connectedness.
When: Wednesday* evenings 6.30 pm – 8 pm
(*Please check Hall calendar HERE to confirm class dates)
Who: Everyone welcome, no experience necessary
What: Wear comfortable clothes and bring a blanket and mat if you have one!
Cost: £12 drop in (£10 concessions)
‘Health Yourself’ is a breath focused coaching initiative designed and delivered by Melanie Devonald, a Chartered Psychologist, British Wheel of Yoga teacher and Certified BBM Teacher.
For more information contact Melanie on m: 07749821517 e: